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Here to inspire, encourage and cheer you on as you commit to your wellness journey!
Retreat - Breaking Free
Providing Everything You Need to Relax, Heal, and Nurture Your Mind Body and Spirit

Wellness Retreat
We all know that balancing hectic schedules and busy lives with self-care and wellness is vital, and spending time on slowing down and relaxation has proven to play an essential part in living a healthy lifestyle. So for your well-being, plan a visit to our healing sanctuary and wilderness retreats for a healthy dose of calm to get centered.
We’ve put together activities like facial stretching, massage, and spiritual healing to ensure you reach complete serenity. Leave your problems behind!
Holistic wellness includes organic, plant-based, wild meats, guilt-free nutrition and detox programs for mind, body and soul healing.
This wellness retreat in Flamborough Ontario check all of the boxes.
Retreat Schedule
3 – 4:30 pm Arrive and settle into your cabin
4:30pm Meet and greet in the studio
*discussion “what is self compassion?”
*introduction to Mindful Eating
6:00 Dinner(Alkaline)
7:30 Deep self-care: Guided relaxation
7:30 am Facial Stretch – or sleep… do what you need!
9am Breakfast-farm fresh ingredients(Alkaline)
10:00 Self care session: Self acceptance, release self- criticism, loving kindness prayer and meditation
12:30 pm Lunch(Alkaline)
2:00 Forest Bathing & Hike
3:00 Free time – nap, read or listen to music
4:00 Sensory Awareness - Creative Project
5:30 Dinner(Alkaline)
7:00 Restorative Practice or massage
You are welcome to stay and enjoy the church service with us.