Personal Training
Small Group Training
Summer Cooking Camp
Bodi Coach
Extras -see menu

Here to inspire, encourage and cheer you on as you commit to your wellness journey!
About the Owner Kaley Metler
I am Kaley Metler(pronounced Callie, long story here lol). I live in Flamborough(part of Hamilton) Ontario, Canada. I own a mostly mobile personal training and fascial stretch therapy business of 8 years now. I use my God given gifts to help women over 40 make transformations to their best health through exercise and nutrition strategies. I take a very custom personal approach and have been described by my clients as being very caring and compassionate. I have helped quite a few women stick with a fitness routine and that brings me GREAT Joy!! My Goal is to help 50 women sustain a life in fitness by 2028.
I also love to teach. I recently helped a construction businesses with their Health & Safety program. I provided best movement practices (i.e.. start of shift warmup exercises) in a practical approach. Coming from a background in field engineering, I understand what it is like working a long day in the field. I loved helping with this :)
Here's why I get a kick out of this whole fitness/nutrition gig......."When I see a client walk into a class or a session, many think they are just there to change their bodies. Sure they will feel stronger physically, but then the magic starts to unfold....... they become healthier mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. That is when lives change and you see a brighter happier person ready to give back to those they love!! That's what gives me job satisfaction!"
Now here's a little about her life so far...... "I was working as a field engineer for around 15 years for an oil and gas company and then a water company. Along the way, I met a wonderful man to start a family with and had 2 pretty amazing kiddos!! After my kids were born, my role changed where I had to sit at a desk. I did it for a few years at a great office but quickly realized that sitting at a desk for 8 hours of my day was not exactly "healthy" in my books. So I gave up that good-paying office job to do something I truly others get fit and be proud of their bodies. Competitive sports have always been a part of my life and over time I developed a true passion for fitness and nutrition. Some of my accomplishments were winning Arizona State in 300 hurdles and 4 x 800 relay as well as one state basketball championship. I moved on to play one year of college basketball and rodeo-ed all through college & university. I was raised on a farm and ranch and will always value what my parents and grandparents have taught me(work hard and eat homegrown natural foods). Now that I have a family of my own, we have a garden and chickens, which makes me feel great to show my kids how to work hard to provide your own food. That is my story in a nutshell and I am forever grateful God has given me a path and to have meet so many wonderful people along the way :). "
Located Flamborough, Ontario
Canfitpro Certified Personal Trainer(8 yrs)
Sport Nutrition III Certificate
Fascial Stretch Therapist
Flamborough Votes Platinum Personal Trainer
Flamborough Votes Gold Fitness Business
Readers Choice Award
Stott Pilates with Props Level 1 & 2
Stott Pilates with Twist Ball
Stott Pilates with Facial Focus
Chair Fitness
High Five- Fundamentals of Active Aging
Canadian Red Cross CPR
Bodi Coach

Our team & partners:

Lynda Bonus
Co-creator of Breaking Free to Wellness,
Pound Fit Instructor, marketing lead

We have fun and love being a fitness leader in the
community !!